Shenzhen Yuanke Electronic Co.,Ltd;

Contact: Mr Huang

contact number: 0755-27167848 / 0755-27168227 / 0755-27168667

Telephone: 13590473452 / 13410061678 /13247542112

Fax: 0755-27167816


Address: 2nd floor, second building, Wenge Industrial Zone, Gongming. Guangming New District, Shenzhen

Home > SMD LED
  • LED灯珠的生产工艺
    封装工艺说明 1.芯片检验 镜检:材料表面是否有机械损伤及麻点麻坑(lockhill) 芯片尺寸及电极大小是否符合工艺要求,电极图案是否完整。 2.扩片 由于LED芯片在划片后依然排列紧密间距很小(约0.1mm),不利于后工序的操作。我们采用扩片机对黏结芯片的膜进行扩张,是LED芯片的间距拉伸到约0.6mm。也可以采用手工扩张,但很容易造成芯片掉落浪费等不良问题。 3.点胶 在LED支架的相应位置点上银胶或绝缘胶。(对于GaAs、SiC导电衬底,具有背面电...
  • 采购贴片LED灯珠必备基础知识
    SMD LED 就是表面贴装发光二极管的意思,SMD贴片有助于生产效率提高。 以及不同设施应用。是一种固态的半导体器件,它可以直接把电转化为光。它的电压为1.9-3.2V,红光、黄光电压最低,LED的心脏是一个半导体的晶片,晶片的一端附在一个支架上,一端是负极,另一端连接电源的正极,使整个晶片被环氧树脂封装起来。半导体晶片由两部分组成,一部分是P型半导体,在它里面空穴占主导地位,另一端是N型半导体,在这边主要是电子。但这两种半导体连接起来的时候,...
  • 简述LED灯珠的产品特点
    PN结的端电压构成一定势垒,当加正向偏置电压时势垒下降,P区和N区的多数载流子向对方扩散。由于电子迁移率比空穴迁移率大得多,所以会出现大量电子向P区扩散,构成对P区少数载流子的注入。这些电子与价带上的空穴复合,复合时得到的能量以光能的形式释放出去。这就是PN结发光的原理。 特点 1. 电压:LED灯珠使用低压电源,供电电压在 2-4V之间,根据产品不同而异,所以驱动它的是一个比高压电源;更安全的电源,特别适用于公共场所; 2.电流:工作电流在0—15m...
  • 2019-04-04
  • 2019-03-29
  • LED beauty instrument, LED beauty mask principle
    LED beauty instrument, LED beauty mask principle In recent years, some merchants have claimed that LED red and blue light has improved the skin, and developed an LED beauty instrument. Users can calm their emotions and focus wh...
  • The effect of light on plant growth
    Light has a particularly important position on the growth and development of plants, which affects almost all stages of growth of plants. The effect of light on plants is mainly manifested in two aspects: One is to provide radia...
  • LED SMD chip affect the eight aspects of LED display
    1. Perspective The angle of view of the LED display is determined by the angle of view of the LED bead. At present, most of the outdoor display screens use a horizontal viewing angle of 100°; a vertical viewing angle of 50°; an e...
  • Application range of violet band (domain)
    Violet, also called UV (Ultra Violet), is the shortest wavelength of light in visible light. Some bands of violet light are often called "black light" because the light in these bands is invisible to the human eye. UV vi...
  • Ten advantages of fine-grained SMD LED
    Nowadays, the SMD LED market is highly sought after. In addition to the state's promotion of energy conservation, it is possible to draw conclusions and conclude that the top ten advantages make the LED market hot: First, the...
  • Precautions during the use of SMD LED
    First, the common precautions in the use of SMD LED : 1, welding conditions Reflow soldering: Preheat at 150 ° C for 2 minutes, and heat once at 240 ° C for 5 seconds. Soldering iron soldering: Use a temperature-controlled s...
  • How to do anti-static work for SMD LED chip ?
    How to do anti-static work for SMD LED chip In the process of production of SMD LED chip, pay special attention to a parameter that is often overlooked: ESD (Electro-Static discharge), electrostatic discharge is a majo...
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